Discovery Surveys, Inc.
Specializing in Employee Opinion and Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Improving the Workplace

By Bruce L. Katcher, Ph.D. President, Discovery Surveys, Inc.

7 out of 10 employees say management doesn't act on their suggestions.


Our research shows that 7 out of 10 employees believe that management does not act on employee suggestions. Here's why this is a problem.

  1. Good Suggestions Slip Through the Cracks

    One of the major lessons of the quality improvement movement has been that employees who actually perform the work usually have very good suggestions for improving the work. Ignoring their ideas is a sure prescription for inefficiency and reduced profitability.

  2. Employees Lose Trust in Management

    How can employees trust the judgement of senior management when their good suggestions are ignored? Without this trust, their motivation and commitment to the organization will surely decline.

  3. Employees Feel They are Not Respected

    Ignoring their suggestions is a slap in the face to employees. In time, employees reciprocate by showing a lack of respect to management.

  4. Employees Begin to Withhold Useful Suggestions

    I have often heard employees say, "I know they are throwing money down the drain, but there's no way in hell I would tell management how to improve things. They would only ignore me." Organizations with this type of climate are destined to fail.


  1. Skip the Middles

    It is very easy for good suggestions to get lost in the hierarchy. Employees become frustrated when their supervisors do not pass along their suggestions to senior management. Senior management should circumvent the bureaucracy by conducting face-to-face meetings with employees. Meetings such as "bagels-with-the-President" and "brown-bag-lunches with the CEO" can offer rich opportunities for ferreting out useful ideas.

  2. Get Rid of the "Suggestion Box"

    There is no better way to alienate employees than to say, "If you have any ideas, just stick 'em in the box." Employees should be treated as adults and given the opportunity to communicate their ideas in person.

  3. Set Realistic Expectations

    Management needs to make it clear that not every suggestion can be used, but that all suggestions are welcome.

  4. Provide Recognition

    Public recognition or cash awards for good suggestions can be very motivating to employees. However, great care should be taken in managing such a program. I have seen these types of programs lead to resentment among employees.

  5. Proactively Promote the Proliferation of Suggestions

    Management should make it clear to employees that providing suggestions is an expected part of everyone's job.

  6. Close the Loop

    Employees need to know that their suggestions are not being ignored. It is important for management to communicate to employees when their suggestions are being implemented. Doing so will increase the probability that employees will continue to make useful suggestions.

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